
In a robotics team there are a lot of moving parts. We need to design the robot, source all the parts, talk to sponsors, program the robot, wire the robot, build parts we cant buy, build a drivetrain, DRIVE the drivetrain, talk to other teams at competition, and so much more. Not all of that can be done by one person or even one group of people. So, we split into Sub-Teams.

Mechanical Groups

Mechanical Team is its own little group of teams. Usually mechanical is the biggest of the teams and needs a lot of hands. We need people to design the robot based on the game, CAD parts and 3D print, decide where electrical components go to make life easier for electrical, manufacture all the components using the tools in the lab and robot room, and buy parts that would make our robot as solid as possible.

Electrical Team

Electrical is our second largest team, working pretty much alongside Mechanical, electrical works on wiring up the robot, the aesthetics of the cabling and now LED lights, the strength of connections and deciding the best way to hook up motors, sensors, and other fun things for the Mechanical team’s designs to move and the Programmers to work their magic

Programming Team

Programming team is all about MAGIC. They work with Git to control their code and cooperate together to get Electrical’s wiring to actually do something. They are the math brains, the people behind the scenes getting things done. Our Robot is written in C++ this year which during the off season you will get to learn and experiment with on practice bots and on software.

Marketing Team

None of this would be possible without the marketing team. Their entire goal is to work out the logistics and finesse of sponsorships while also getting our name out there and working for a public goal. Having a strong Marketing team can be the difference between a good team and a great team.

Safety Team

Safety team is not really as much as the name suggests. You are not a part of the snitch patrol. Safety team’s job is to work out the rules of the game. If an idea from Mechanical is dumb and wont be allowed its your job to let them know. Safety team members scour the rules and regulations to ensure we stay within them while most importantly scoring the most points. There’s a huge element of strategy that comes with safety team. Another project under the safety team umbrella is the Bumpers. Every robot needs a slick set of bumpers to make sure they stay protected from bumping into each other and display our team numbers in style.