Stevia and spice and everything nice. This year we built THREE robots, but only one of them would come to be known as Stevia. Stevia was the robot we built in under a week then brought with us to compete at the Peachtree DCMP. It was built off of the foundations of our terrible ideas for the first 2 robots and what we improved over the iterations. Stevia had the ability to extend a homemade “Climber in a Box” out the top and hook on to a rung to climb.
The ability to score points was a struggle for us in our first two robots but thankfully we had an excellent driver, and really he was awesome, who was incredible at playing the defense role for alliances. Our team became THE Defense team with iron bricks in the frame and the ball blocker up top. Our robot could quickly cross the field and block other robots from getting objects to shoot.
We won the Albany regional as the third teammate on the second alliance with Peachtree Ridge 1261 (a #GRAMPS Team) and Albany’s very own Commodores Team 6919 which put us in a good position to even go to state and won us a Blue Banner to hang up in our lab.