This is our brand new shiny robot for the 2023 FRC season. It was built off of our experiences from last year and talking to teams in the #GRAMPS robotics alliance for advice as well as our awesome new mentors.
Clunk scored every part of the grid, top middle and bottom; cones and cubes. It was our goal this year to be able to score something, anything more than Stevia. We succeeded and the robot actually did incredibly well for us. We ended out this semester not getting to Peachtree DCMP but growing a lot as a team and figuring out what we can change for next years robot and outreach season.
Our outreach season this year was all about relearning everything. Starting back up with only 6 members from our 2022 season, a completely new to programming programming captain, and a team of 3 seniors and 3 sophomores on leadership. We had smaller group meetings and went over a lot of how the competitions will be like.
We chose to attend the South Carolina Anderson Regional and the Georgia Gwinnett Regional held at Gwinnett County’s very own Discovery High School. Discovery was our team’s favorite competition this year, we got to see our friends on other teams, it was very local to us (about a 20 minute drive) and had all the features we came to love. The Automation Direct booth, the Georgia Power shop, and the #GRAMPS alliance teams.